Flathead Ridge Ranch, LLC ("FRR") Sustainable Forestry Policies
Sustainable forest management. FRR is committed to the health and long-term viability of our forest ecosystems. As land stewards we believe that it is our duty to promote and protect the lands in our trust. We commit to using best available science to ensure that these forests retain the full suite of ecosystem services they currently offer while improving for the future.
Forest Productivity and Soils. FRR lands are part of a broader landscape of historically productive timber grounds. FRR commits to maintaining forest and soil productivity by protecting soil stability, preventing erosion, soil compaction, and unnecessary soil disturbance through the use of modern equipment and practices. New forest management methods and technologies appropriate to the site will be implemented as they arise.
Protection of water resources. FRR lands hold an amazing variability of water resources from native trout fisheries to popular reservoirs and lakes for fishing. We recognize the importance of water resources and protect them through the implementation of Forest Best Management Practices (BMPs), Montana SMZ law, and coordination with local experts from the state agencies.
Protection of Biological Diversity. Biological diversity is being recognized as one of the highest values this property offers. As such FRR is committed to the protection and promotion of biodiversity across the landscape through the coordination with federal, state, and local agencies to protect threatened and endangered (T&E) species, forests with high conservation values, including old-growth forests, managing for native forest cover types, and avoidance of forest conversions.
Aesthetics and Recreation. A majority of FRR lands are enrolled in state level access programs to allow for public hunting and recreation. Aesthetic impacts from forestry operations are evaluated by FRR foresters prior to each activity and planned activities will be modified where appropriate.
Protection of Special Sites. FRR foresters use and maintain a database of known special sites on the property. Each activity is screened for new or existing special sites and protective measures are implemented during management activities. If new sites are discovered, FRR foresters contact the appropriate agency to document and ensure adequate protection measures are implemented.
Community Involvement and Social Responsibility. FRR recognizes the importance of sustainably managed forests and the benefits to the local community. FRR lands contribute positively to the local economy and provide ecosystem services that maintain quality of life in northwestern Montana. FRR will support organizations and opportunities to further the practice of sustainable forestry and certified organizations.
Indigenous Peoples. FRR lands border the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribal Lands. FRR recognizes and respects the rights of Indigenous Peoples and will coordinate with the tribe on land management activities that may impact either cultural sites or their lands.
Training and Education. FRR foresters will participate in training and educational opportunities that further the practice and knowledge of sustainable forestry. FRR will use forestry contractors who are trained in forest BMPs through the Montana Logging Association or similar groups.
Continual Improvement. FRR foresters are committed to the continual improvement of our management strategies. This includes participation in regular auditing through both SFI and statewide BMP groups.
Legal Compliance. FRR is committed to conforming to all local, state and federal laws as they apply to our management activities.
Research. FRR recognizes the value and importance of research to improve on our current practices, and will support opportunities with research groups, agencies, and universities for conducting research that advances sustainable forest management and application of natural resource science.